GPS Disclaimer provides GPS coordinates and directions as a convenience to our users. This information is sourced from third-party providers and public databases. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee that all GPS data or directions are current, complete, or error-free.

Users should be aware that:

  1. GPS coordinates may not always lead to the exact location of a property or attraction.
  2. Road conditions, construction, or other factors may affect the accuracy of directions.
  3. Rural or remote areas may have less accurate GPS data.
  4. GPS signals can be affected by various factors including weather and terrain.

We recommend users:

  • Cross-reference GPS data with other navigation tools or maps.
  • Follow road signs and exercise caution when navigating.
  • Contact the property or attraction directly for the most up-to-date location information. is not responsible for any inconvenience, loss, or damage resulting from reliance on GPS data or directions provided on our website. Users navigate at their own risk.

For any discrepancies or issues with GPS data, please contact us at webmaster[at]

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